Thursday, October 30, 2008

let´s get started!

Moly_x_53, founded also by JUANH (Argentina) is an extension of the Moleskine Exchange.

so let´s get started! juanh and me are making an adress list and will send it via email to all of you.
what about the rotation order? i think it would be nice to have different rotation orders for each moly, so you can interact with everyone´s work. what do you say?
you can also start your moly with a theme, if you like it, i´d just might do that..i´ll send a soundtrack along with a mine, so you´ll get inspired. :)
so get working, i want your moly in my house by the end of november!

see you soon! jen


Wil Freeborn said...

I'm good with a different mailing order with each moley. It makes it a bit different.

What do you think of having a small comment area to the right for a "where is my moley" like

juan said...

hi will! Some comment box like that would be nice, guess marty is the only one allowed to do that...

juan said...

ok! now i can see the full config.

Anna Denise said...

Love the nailpolish!